Removing NX1 Access from AWS Accounts

Removing NX1 Access from AWS Accounts

Remove NX1 Access from AWS Accounts

Deleting NX1 access from your AWS Accounts removes the management of your account by NX1.

Delete CloudFormation Stack

The access given to NX1 is organized in two Stack templates, the first one gives access to the Management Account, the another one gives access to the AWS Accounts members of the AWS Organizations. They can be easily removed by following the steps below.

Remove access from the Management Account

  • Log in to your AWS Management Account using an Administrator role or through SSO;
  • Select the Region US East (N. Virginia) - us-east-1;
  • Go to CloudFormation resource and select Stacks
  • In the filter by stack name, look for citadel-master-access
  • Select the Stack
Make sure you want to remove access from NX1. NX1 will no longer manage your account.
  • Select Delete to delete the stack

Remove access from the AWS Accounts managed by NX1

  • Log in to your AWS Management Account using an Administrator role or through SSO;
  • Select the Region US East (N. Virginia) - us-east-1;
  • Go to CloudFormation resource and select Stacks
  • In the filter by stack name, look for citadel-account-access-<account-number>
    • <account-number>: AWS Account number of the Environment you want to delete.
    • You can find the AWS Account Number on NX1 > Environments.

      Sample of an environment details in NX1
      Sample of an environment details in NX1
  • Select the Stack
  • ⚠️
    Make sure you want to remove access from NX1. NX1 will no longer manage your account.
  • Select Delete to delete the stack

If you want to delete access from all AWS Accounts, remove any CF Stack which name starts with citadel-account-access-