Creating an AWS Account

Creating an AWS Account

Creating an AWS Account


This document describes how to create Audit and Log Archive accounts within your organization in AWS Organizations in order to build an infrastructure using NX1. To learn more about getting started with AWS and creating a single AWS account, follow these steps.

Creating an AWS account within your AWS Organization

To start, sign in to the AWS console by clicking here. You must sign in as a user with AWS Organizations management permissions or as user root.

By logging into the organization's management account, you can create member accounts that are immediately associated with your AWS Organisation. To do so, follow the steps below.

When you create an account using the procedure below, the information listed below is automatically copied from the management account to the new member account.

  • Account name
  • Phone number
  • Company name
  • Customer URL
  • Company contact email
  • Communication language
  • Marketplace (vendor of the account in some AWS Regions)

To create a member account in your organization, you must have the following permissions:

  • organizations:CreateAccount
  • organizations:DescribeOrganization – required only when using the Organizations console
  • iam:CreateServiceLinkedRole (granted to principal to enable creating the required service-linked role in the member accounts).
  • Access to the AWS Management Console

To create an AWS account that is automatically part of your organization, on AWS Organizations > AWS accounts and click Add an AWS Account as shown below:


Creating the new AWS Account

Under the Add an AWS Account form, fill the items below:

  1. For AWS account name, enter the desired environment name
  2. For Email address of the account's owner, enter the email address of the account's owner. This email address cannot already be associated with another AWS account because it becomes the user name credential for the root user of the account. Follow these instructions to set your email
  3. For IAM role name, leave it as default

After the account is created, under Organizations you should see a new account there with the name chosen. Copy the Account ID on a save location as we will need later when creating your environment in NX1.