Configuring a standard

Configuring a standard

Understanding the Compliance Status

On the Environment Status page, you can see all the rules and guidelines that the system is following. This page will show you if there are any potential issues that you should be aware of.


The page has a visual representation of all the standards being used, which makes it easy to see what the system is complying with. Each standard has a card that shows a score check, indicating how many checks were done and how many passed. If there are any failed checks, the user can click on `View issues` to see more details about the issues.


For each failed check, there will be a level of risk assigned, Low, Medium, or High, along with a description of the check. The user can click on `View Details` to get more information about any failed checks.


The information detailed are:

  • Resource Affected
  • Description
  • Remediation

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