Deleting an Environment

Deleting an Environment

Delete an environment on NX1

Deleting an environment on Citadel does not change any resource on the AWS Console created or changed.

To delete the environment from NX1, follow the steps below.

  1. Open and navigate to the Environment page;
  2. Select the Environment you want to delete;
  3. Select Settings on the left menu;
  5. Click REMOVE to confirm the deletion.
  6. Delete confirmation popup screen example image.
    Delete confirmation popup screen example image.

Delete an environment on AWS Console

Deleting the environment on the AWS Console Account will remove all resources deployed by NX1. Make sure you want to remove the resources listed below before proceeding with the following steps.
  • Baseline Setup
    • Membership to security services in the Audit AWS account
    • Cloudtrail setup for audit trail logs
    • AWS Config for tracking resource changes and compliance status
  • Network Setup
    • Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
    • Subnets
      • 3 subnets per tier
      • Across 3 Availability Zones
      • 3 tiers: Public, Private and Secure
      • Total 9 subnets
    • Internet Gateway
    • Route Tables
    • NAT Gateway
      • 3 when High-Availability is enabled
      • 1 when High-Availability is disabled
      • Elastic IP per NAT Gateway created
    • Network Access Control Lists (NACLs)
    • DNS Hosted Zones (Route53) - configured later in the environment
    • SSL Certificates issued by AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) - configured later in the environment

Step 1 - Delete workload baseline

  • Log in to your AWS Management Account using an Administrator role or through SSO;
  • Select the Region US East (N. Virginia) - us-east-1;
  • Go to CloudFormation resource and select Stacks
  • In the filter by stack name, look for citadel-master-workload-baseline-<account-number>-<region>
    • <account-number>: AWS Account number of the Environment you want to delete.
    • <region>: AWS Region where the environment was deployed.
    • You can find the AWS Account Number and AWS Region on the NX1.

      Sample of an environment details on NX1
      Sample of an environment details on NX1
  • Select the Stack
  • Select Delete to delete the stack

Step 2 - delete NX1 account access

  • Go to CloudFormation resource and select Stacks
  • In the filter by stack name, look for citadel-account-access-<account-number>
    • <account-number>: AWS Account number of the Environment you want to delete.
    • You can find the AWS Account Number in NX1.

      Sample of an environment details in NX1
      Sample of an environment details in NX1
  • Select the Stack
  • Select Delete to delete the stack

Step 3 - Delete all stacks related to the environment

Make sure any stack deployed for the environment you want to delete.

  • Go to CloudFormation resource and select Stacks
  • In the filter by stack name, look for <account-number>
  • Select the stack you found
  • Select Delete.

Step 4 - Delete AWS S3 Buckets

Although the Stacks create the AWS S3 Buckets when deployed, when a stack is deleted, the buckets cannot be deleted automatically. Therefore, you need to delete those buckets manually.

If you want to keep the logs for this Environment, skip this step.
  • Log in to your AWS Account for Log Archive using an Administrator role or through SSO;
    • To find the Log Archive AWS Account ID in NX1:
      • Open NX1;
      • Select Management;
      • Find the Log Archive Account Number under the account list.
  • Select the Region the environment being deleted Region. E.g. Asia Pacific (Sydney) - ap-southeast-2;
  • Go to AWS S3 resource and select Buckets;
  • In the Filter, find a bucket by name, write the AWS Account Number of the environment you are deleting;
  • Delete all buckets listed with the AWS Account number of the environment.


If you followed the previous steps, your environment was successfully deleted, but your AWS Account still exists in the AWS Organizations.

If you need to install a new environment using this AWS Account Number, go to the Environments instructions in this documentation.

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